
[00:07.64]B Let's learn 学一学
[00:11.92]swim 游泳
[00:14.78]fly kites 放风筝
[00:20.95]make a snowman 堆雪人
[00:24.77]plant trees 植树
[00:28.19]Which season do you like best?你最喜欢什么季节?
[00:32.05]Winter.I can make a snowman.冬天.我可以堆雪人.
[00:36.55]Group work 分组练习
[00:40.36]Your group is going out together.
[00:45.90]Make a survey to find out your group's favourite
[00:54.40]Activity 活动
[00:56.14]climb mountains 爬山
[00:58.74]plant trees 植树
[01:02.28]fly kites 放风筝
[01:05.18]play sports 做运动
[01:07.96]have a picnic 去野餐
[01:11.34]Number of people 人数
[01:14.46]What would you like to go?你喜欢做什么?
[01:19.41]I'd like to ... 我喜欢 ....
[01:22.45]Let's try 试一试
[01:24.66]Listen and tick 听一听,做记号
[01:28.21]What's your favourite season,Zhang Peng?
[01:33.92]What do you usually do in winter你冬天通常做什么
[01:37.75]I often skate.我经常滑冰.
[01:40.02]Which season do you like best?
[01:42.83]I like spring.我喜欢春天.
[01:44.67]I plant trees and fly kites.我可以植树和放风筝.
[01:49.29]Tick the right pictures.勾出正确的图片.
[01:52.97]Let's talk 说一说
[01:55.62]What's your favourite season,Sarah?
[02:00.18]Why do you like spring?你为什么喜欢春天?
[02:02.50]Because I can plant trees.因为我可以植树.
[02:05.88]Which season do you like best?你最喜欢哪个季节?
[02:10.54]Why do you like winter?你为什么喜欢冬天?
[02:12.56]Because I can skate.因为我可以滑冰.
[02:16.16]Let's find out 找出答案
[02:19.67]Find out your partner's favourite season and
[02:25.80]his favourite activity.
[02:30.15]What's your favourite season?你最喜欢哪个季节?
[02:37.63]Because I can swim in the sea.
[02:43.20]Read and write 读一读,写一写
[02:47.00]It's summer.夏天了.
[02:48.82]Zoom and Zip swim in the lake.
[02:52.99]They are happy.他们很高兴.
[02:55.23]"I like summer,"says Zip."我喜欢夏天,"Zip说.
[02:59.78]"Why do you like summer?""你为什么喜欢夏天?"
[03:02.76]asks Zoom.
[03:04.96]"Because I can swim in the lake."
[03:09.11]It's fall.秋天来了.
[03:10.82]Zoom and Zip go hiking.Zoom和Zip去徒步旅行.
[03:14.65]They eat a lot.他们吃很多东西.
[03:18.30]Winter comes.冬天来了.
[03:20.20]Zoom and Zip don't skate.Zoom和Zip不去滑冰.
[03:23.39]They sleep.他们睡觉.
[03:25.91]Spring comes.春天来了.
[03:28.06]Zoom and Zip wake up. Zoom和Zip醒了.
[03:31.27]They fly kites.他们去放风筝.
[03:34.18]"I like winter,"says Zoom."我喜欢冬天,"Zoom说.
[03:38.35]"Why do you like winter?""你为什么喜欢冬天?"
[03:40.85]asks Zip.Zip问道.
[03:43.26]"Because I can sleep a long time."
[03:48.10]Let's find out 找出答案
[03:51.72]Find out the best time to visit Harbin.
[03:57.96]Qingdao,Hangzhou and Sanya.
[04:04.69]When is the vest time to go to Beijing?
[04:12.85]What is the weather like in fall in Beijing.
[04:18.67]It's sunny and cool.天气晴朗还很凉爽.
[04:22.71]What can I do there?我在那儿可以做些什么?
[04:25.82]You can go to the Great Wall.你可以去长城.

