
[00:02.50]Recycle 2 复习2
[00:04.13]Read and act读一读,演一演
[00:06.46]Let's have a picnic tomorrow.明天我们去野餐吧.
[00:11.71]Tomorrow will be warm and sunny.
[00:17.66]What do you want to bring?你想要带什么?
[00:19.60]I want to make a salad.我想做一个沙拉.
[00:21.73]Me too.我也想.
[00:23.43]Let's go shopping.我们去购物吧.
[00:24.97]Let's go.走吧.
[00:27.07]Can I help you?我能帮助你吗?
[00:29.11]Yes,I want one onion and two carrots.
[00:33.82]Four cucumbers and four tomatoes.
[00:37.52]I want one apple,我想要一个苹果,
[00:39.68]two oranges,两个桔子.
[00:41.39]two bananas and three pears.两根香蕉和三个梨.
[00:45.12]How much are they?一共多少钱?
[00:46.71]That's eight yuan.八元钱.
[00:49.20]Look,I have some fruit.看!我有水果.
[00:51.41]Me too.我也有.
[00:53.50]I have chicken and beef.我有鸡肉和牛肉.
[00:56.07]I have bread and cakes.我有面包和蛋糕.
[00:58.51]I have cookies and drinks.我有饼干和饮料.
[01:00.99]What do you have?你有什么?
[01:03.85]Hot dogs?热狗?
[01:07.63]No.I have salad.不是,我有沙拉.
[01:10.12]Great!I like salad.太好了!我喜欢沙拉.
[01:13.21]Look at the cows.看那母牛.
[01:14.86]They want to share the food.too.
[01:17.10]Yes.They're hungry.是的,它们饿了.
[01:19.71]Oh!It's windy now.哦!起风了.
[01:22.88]NOW YOU FINISH THE STORY.现在同你来完成故事吧.
[01:25.78]Listen and write
[01:28.27]Zhang Peng is going to Hong Kong.张鹏要去香港.
[01:31.11]It is hot and sunny.那里的天气很热而且阳光明媚.
[01:33.47]He's going shopping.他将要去购物.
[01:35.50]What is he going to buy?他想要买些什么?
[01:37.91]I'm going to buy a pair of sandals,
[01:40.80]a pair of shorts and a T-shirt.
[01:44.01]Chen Jie is going to Harbin.陈洁要去哈尔滨.
[01:46.55]It's cold and snowy.那里的天气很冷而且还下雪.
[01:49.04]She's going shopping.她将要去购物.
[01:51.07]What is she going to buy?她想要买些什么?
[01:53.77]I'm going to buy a sweater and a pair of jeans.
[01:58.59]Let's play
[02:01.04]I am at the farm.我正在农场.
[02:03.78]I see some animals.我看到了一些动物.
[02:06.49]They are goats.它们是山羊.
[02:09.13]I am at the farm.我正在农场.
[02:12.16]I see some animals.我看到了一些动物.
[02:15.35]They're goats and cows.是山羊和奶牛.
[02:18.83]I am at the farm.我正在农场.
[02:21.36]I see some vegetables.我看到一些蔬菜.
[02:24.53]They are tomatoes.是西红柿.
[02:27.52]I am at the farm.我正在农场.
[02:30.40]I see some vegetables.我看到一些蔬菜.
[02:33.66]They are tomatoes and potatoes.是西红柿和土豆.
[02:39.24]Let's sing ……
[03:50.67]Read and think
[03:53.96]Dear Grandma,亲爱的奶奶,
[03:55.08]Thank you for the new shorts.谢谢你买的新短裤.
[03:56.99]They are cool!它们穿起来很凉快!
[03:58.60]It's hot in Beijing.北京的天气很热.
[04:00.24]It's sunny too.阳光也很明媚.
[04:01.73]I can wear my shorts and T-shirt.
[04:04.71]I have a new jacket.我有一件新夹克衫.
[04:06.50]My old jacket is too small.我的旧夹克衫太小了.
[04:09.03]I want to buy a hat.我想要买一顶帽子.
[04:10.82]It is fifty yuan.五十元.
[04:12.44]It's too expensive.太贵了.
[04:14.29]What's the weather like at the farm?
[04:16.51]Is it warm?暖和吗?
[04:18.39]How many new ducks are there?那儿有多少只新鸭子?
[04:20.65]Love,John 爱你的,约翰
[04:24.78]Let's play 演一演
[04:27.39]1.What are they?它们是什么?
[04:31.37]2.How many cows are there?有多少头奶牛?
[04:36.97]3.What are these? 这些是什么?
[04:41.30]4.Go back 2 spaces.退2格.
[04:47.53]5.What are those? 那些是什么?
[04:51.53]6.Are they horses?它们是马吗?
[04:55.68]7.You are at the farm!你到达农场!
[04:59.93]You win 25 points!你得到25分.
[05:03.62]8.What do you want?你想要什么?
[05:07.70]9.How much are the pants?裤子多少钱?
[05:12.46]10.What size?多大尺寸?
[05:16.72]11.What do you want?你想要什么?
[05:21.97]12.Miss a turn.停一次.
[05:26.24]13.Is it cheap?便宜吗?
[05:30.38]14.You are at the shop!你到达商店!
[05:34.72]You win 35 points!你得到35分!
[05:38.82]15.What's the weather like today?今天天气怎样?
[05:44.50]16.Can I wear my coat today?今天我能穿我的外套吗
[05:49.65]17.What is the weather like today?今天天气怎样?
[05:54.90]18.Can I wear my shorts today?今天我可以穿短裤吗
[06:00.29]19.Where is my jacket?我的夹克衫在哪里?
[06:05.02]20.You are in Beijing.你到达北京.
[06:09.14]You win 40 points.你得到40分.

