
[00:05.79]Task time 任务时间
[00:07.30]Listen to a weather report and fill in the form.
[00:14.90]Beijing北京      Shanghai上海  Harbin哈尔滨
[00:21.80]Lhasa拉萨  Urumqi乌鲁木齐
[00:26.09]Hong Kong 香港
[00:27.64]Good afternoon.下午好,
[00:28.94]This is the weather report.这里是天气预报.
[00:31.52]It's sonwy in Beijing.北京有雪.
[00:34.31]It's cloudy in Shanghai.上海多云.
[00:36.71]It's windy in Harbin.哈尔滨有风.
[00:39.03]It's windy in Lhasa.拉萨有风.
[00:41.58]It's sunny in Urumqi.乌鲁木齐晴.
[00:43.81]It's rainy in HongKong.香港有雨.
[00:46.50]2.Talk about the weather report with your
[00:53.70]What's the weather like in Beijing?北京天气怎样?
[00:57.28]It's ... 北京 ....
[00:59.69]Pronunciation 发音
[01:01.59]hole洞 home家 nose鼻子 rose玫瑰
[01:08.38]box盒子 fox狐狸 orange桔子 lock锁
[01:12.33]Let's check
[01:13.71]1.In Beijing,it's sunny and warm.
[01:17.89]I go out and fly a kite.我出去放风筝.
[01:20.61]2.In Harbin,it is cold.哈尔滨很冷.
[01:23.94]It is snowy.下雪了.
[01:25.30]I read the story.我读故事书.
[01:27.12]3.It is hot in Shenzhen.深圳很热.
[01:30.85]I go swimming.我去游泳.
[01:32.96]4.In Macao,it is rainy.澳门有雨.
[01:37.07]I watch TV in my room.我在家里看电视.
[01:40.29]Good to know 只是拓展
[01:42.55]It is hot today.今天好热.
[01:45.37]Yes,it is.是啊.
[01:47.79]It's about 98. 有98度呢.
[01:51.75]What?98? 什么?98度?
[01:55.21]No!It's 37.不对!是37度.
[01:58.50]No,it's 98.不,是98 度.
[02:01.68]Let's ask the teacher.我们去问老师.
[02:04.15]Let's sing 唱一唱 ……
[02:41.70]Story time 故事时间
[02:44.48]Zip,what's the matter with you?你怎么了?
[02:46.83]I have a cold.我感冒了.
[02:48.75]It's cold here.这里太冷了.
[02:50.61]what's the weather like in Beijing?
[02:53.03]It's sunny and warm.是晴天,很暖和的.
[02:55.37]I'll go to Dalian to see you.我准备去大连看你.
[02:58.43]Tomorrow it will be warm in Dali.明天大理暖和.
[03:02.76]it'll be warm tomorrow in Dalian.明天大连暖和!
[03:05.66]Ah-choo!It's cold here.啊---嚏!这里太冷了.
[03:10.51]You look terrible.你看起来面色不好.
[03:12.25]I got a cold,too.我也感冒了.
[03:14.31]Ah-choo! 啊---嚏!
[03:16.03]Bless you.多保重啊!

