
[00:06.32]Let me close the window.我来关上窗户吧.
[00:09.19]Oh!My hat!哦!我的帽子!
[00:12.58]It's rainy here.这里下雨了.
[00:15.03]Let me take a shower.让我洗个澡吧.
[00:20.28]It's windy.刮风了.
[00:22.61]Mom,can I put on my new jacket?
[00:27.43]No,you can't.不,不行.
[00:30.64]It's snowy here.这里在下雪.
[00:33.54]It's warm in Beijing.北京很暖和.
[00:36.42]What's the weather like in New York.纽约天气怎样
[00:40.01]A Let's learn 学一学
[00:42.46]cool凉爽 warm暖和 cold寒冷 hot热的 weather天气
[00:47.16]Good morning.早上好.
[00:48.19]This is the weather report.这是天气预报.
[00:49.66]It's cool in Lhasa.拉萨天气很凉.
[00:52.48]Let's play 演一演
[00:54.82]It's Kunming.这是昆明.
[00:57.20]It's cold.很冷.
[00:59.90]It's cold in Kunming.昆明很冷.
[01:02.37]No,it's warm in Kunming now.不,昆明现在很暖和.
[01:06.80]Let's talk 
[01:08.41]Mom,can I wear my new shirt today?
[01:11.45]No,you can't.
[01:13.11]It's cold.天气太冷了.
[01:14.58]Mom,can I wear my new shirt today?
[01:17.52]No,you can't.
[01:19.46]It's cold today.穿你的新衬衫.
[01:21.45]It's warm today.今天很暖和.
[01:23.16]You can wear your new shirt.
[01:25.12]It's hot today.今天很热.
[01:26.69]Can I wear my T-shirt?我能穿我的T-恤衫吗?
[01:28.50]Yes,you can.
[01:30.52]Let's chant
[01:38.09]Mmm!It's warm today!妈妈!今天天气很暖和!
[01:41.20]Take off your jacket!脱掉你的夹克衫!
[01:45.95]Phew! It's hot today!今天天气很热!
[01:48.36]Put on your T-shirt!穿上你的T-恤衫!
[01:52.91]Ooooh!It's cool today!今天天气很凉!
[01:55.50]Put on your sweater!穿上你的毛衣!
[01:59.19]Brrr!It's cold today!今天天气很冷!
[02:01.64]Put on your coat!穿上你的外套!
[02:04.16]Read and write.
[02:05.86]It's warm today.今天天气很暖和!
[02:07.58]Let's play football.我们去踢足球吧.
[02:10.44]Where are my shoes?我的鞋子在哪儿?
[02:12.43]Johnny's jeans,约翰的牛仔裤,
[02:14.14]Tommy's pants,汤米的长裤,
[02:15.76]Teddy's socks.特迪的袜子,
[02:17.44]Jacky's shoes.杰克的鞋子.
[02:19.66]Come on,Zoom.快点,祖恩.
[02:20.85]It's time to go.该出发了.
[02:23.97]Those are my shoes.那些是我的鞋子.
[02:26.28]Oh,where are they?哦,它们在哪?
[02:28.46]They are on your feet!它们在你的脚上!
[02:32.67]It's warm today.今天天气很暖和!
[02:34.62]Let's play football.我们去踢足球吧.

