
[00:02.37]UNIT TWO
[00:04.66]WHAT TIME IS IT?现在是几点?
[00:06.94]C Task time 任务时间
[00:10.01]1.Make a plate clock.做一只圆盘式挂钟.
[00:14.55]Find a paper plate.找一只纸圆盘.
[00:17.16]Write the numbers on it.在上面写上数字.
[00:19.88]Draw two hands.画出时针和分针.
[00:23.47]Cut them out.把它们剪下来.
[00:25.51]Fix them on the plate.把时针和分针固定在圆盘上.
[00:29.80]Say the time.说出时间.
[00:31.90]2.Talk about the time with your partner.
[00:37.82]What time is it?几点了?
[00:39.81]It's 3 o'clock. 3点了.
[00:42.46]It's time for music class.到上音乐课的时间了.
[00:46.16]What time is it?几点了?
[00:48.57]It's 7 o'clock. 7点了.
[00:51.73]It's time to get up. 到起床时间了.
[00:57.26]e we我们 me我 he他 she她
[01:03.06]egg鸡蛋 bed床 desk桌子 pen钢笔
[01:08.27]Let's check 核对一下
[01:10.09]1.What time is it?现在几点了?
[01:12.60]It's eight thirty.现在是8:30分.
[01:14.54]2.I'm hungry,Mum.我饿了,妈妈.
[01:17.31]Oh,it's twelve o'clock.哦!十二点了,
[01:19.20]It's time for lunch.该吃午餐了.
[01:20.91]3.Hurry up!快起床!
[01:23.03]It's seven o five.7:05分了.
[01:25.14]It's time to go to school.该上学了.
[01:27.57]4.It's nine forty.现在是9:40分.
[01:30.01]It's time to go to bed.该睡觉了.
[01:32.46]Good night,Mum!晚安,妈妈!
[01:34.44]Good to know 只是拓展
[01:36.87]Beijing北京      London伦敦
[01:40.84]New York 纽约
[01:42.90]Sydney 悉尼
[01:45.44]What time is it in New York?纽约现在几点了?
[01:49.40]It's one o'clock. 1点钟.
[01:52.39]Let's sing 唱一唱 ……
[03:05.65]Story time 讲故事时间
[03:07.38]Wake up,Zoom.快醒醒,Zoom.
[03:08.61]It's time to get up.该起床了.
[03:10.24]Mmm. I want to sleep.不要,我想睡觉.
[03:13.60]It's time to get up now.现在该起床了.
[03:15.99]Look! What time is it?瞧,现在几点了?
[03:18.77]It's eight o'clock.八点了,
[03:20.95]Oh! Dear!噢!天那!
[03:22.31]I'm late for school!上学要迟到了.
[03:24.14]Wait! Wait! 等等,
[03:25.54]Zoom,look at that clock.看那个表.
[03:28.56]It's seven o'clock,才七点,
[03:30.50]naughty Zip!调皮的Zip!
[03:32.04]April Fool!愚人节!

