
[00:02.17]UNIT ONE 
[00:03.36]OUR SCHOOL我们的学校
[00:05.28]C Task time 任务时间
[00:08.20]1.Design your school map.设计你的校园地图.
[00:12.80]2.Talk about your school.讲一讲你的校园.
[00:17.30]Is this the library?这是图书馆.
[00:20.43]Yes,it is.是的.
[00:23.69]This is the playground!这是操场!
[00:30.91]a cake蛋糕 snake蛇 grapes葡萄 face脸
[00:39.59]apple苹果 bag背包 cat猫 hat帽子
[00:46.60]Let's check核对一下
[00:50.69]This is the library.这是图书馆.
[00:52.80]We have many picture books.我们有许多图画书.
[00:55.25]2.That is the canteen.那是食堂.
[00:58.59]We have lunch here.我们在这儿吃午餐.
[01:01.15]3.Is this in artroom?这是美术教室吗?
[01:05.54]Yes,it is.是的.
[01:08.26]4.Is that a computer room?那是计算机教室吗?
[01:12.03]No,that is a teacher's office.不,那是教室办公室.
[01:16.40]Good to know 只是拓展
[01:18.84]Be quiet in the library.在图书馆内请保持安静.
[01:23.29]Don't drink or eat in the computer room.
[01:28.67]Don't walk on the grass in the garden.
[01:33.21]Don't push in the hallway.
[01:36.80]Don't waste food in the canteen.
[01:41.38]Let's sing 唱一唱 ……
[02:48.38]Story time 讲故事时间
[02:50.15]Welcome to our school.欢迎来到我们的学校.
[02:52.59]This way,please.请这边走.
[02:54.61]How beautiful!真漂亮!
[02:57.14]This is the library.这是图书馆.
[02:59.28]There are many books here.这儿有许多书.
[03:01.67]I like story-books.我喜欢故事书.
[03:03.61]Oh! I'm hungry.我饿了.
[03:06.23]Is that the music room?那是音乐教室吗?
[03:08.35]Yes,it is.是的.
[03:10.03]Is this the computer room?这是计算机教室吗?
[03:12.16]No,it's not the computer room.
[03:15.58]It's the teacher's office.它是教师办公室.
[03:18.26]This is the gym.这是体育馆.
[03:20.09]It's big.它真大.
[03:21.86]Is that the canteen?那个是食堂吗?
[03:24.05]Yes,it is.是的.
[03:25.98]It's time for lunch.午餐时间到了.
[03:27.99]Where is Zoom? Zoom 去哪儿了?
[03:30.93]I know!我知道!
[03:32.55]I'm full.我吃饱了.

