
[00:03.05]UNIT SIX 第六单元
[00:04.94]At the Zoo 在动物园
[00:07.07]Look at the pandas.看那些熊猫.
[00:09.58]They're so cute!它们真可爱!
[00:12.83]How lovely!好可爱啊!
[00:16.29]Don't feed the animals.禁止喂食动物.
[00:19.44]Look at the elephant.看看这头大象.
[00:21.79]It's so big!它真大啊!
[00:25.34]You see.你看.
[00:26.76]The giraffe is tall.长颈鹿很高.
[00:29.45]The deer is short.鹿很矮.
[00:33.55]The monkey has a long tail!那只猴子有条长尾巴.
[00:37.21]A Let's talk 说一说
[00:40.28]Come on,children.快点,孩子们.
[00:41.72]Look at the elephant!快看大象.
[00:44.00]Wow! It's so big!哇!好大啊!
[00:46.71]Look! It has a long nose and a short tail.
[00:50.74]It has small eyes and big ears.
[00:54.84]Oh,it's so funny!噢,太有趣了!
[00:57.56]Let's practise 练一练
[01:00.22]I have big eyes and small ears.
[01:05.59]Let's learn 学一学
[01:07.13]small小的big大的 long长的 short短的
[01:12.61]Let's do 做一做
[01:19.02]Make youself tall.让自己变高!
[01:23.01]Make youself short!让自己变矮!
[01:26.55]Make your eyes big.让你的眼睛变大.
[01:30.44]Make your eyes small.让你的眼睛变小.
[01:34.08]Make your arms long.让你的胳膊变长.
[01:37.89]Make your arms short.让你的胳膊变短.
[01:41.48]Let's say 说一说
[01:43.23]PRC中国 CAN加拿大  UK英国 USA美国
[01:52.36]Let's chant 唱一唱

