
[00:02.55]UNIT FIVE 第五单元
[00:04.07]Where Is My Ruler?我的尺子在哪儿?
[00:06.60]Where is Zips?兹皮在哪儿?
[00:09.09]Ha!Ha!I'm here!哈哈!我在这里.
[00:12.27]Let's play a game.我们来玩个游戏.
[00:15.59]Where is my car?我的汽车在哪儿?
[00:18.42]In the desk?在书桌里?
[00:22.23]Where is my ruler?我的尺子在哪儿?
[00:25.11]In your book?在你的书里?
[00:28.78]Where is my crayon?我的蜡笔在哪儿?
[00:31.71]On the chair?在椅子上?
[00:36.63]A Let's talk说一说
[00:40.00]Mom,where is my car?妈妈,我的小汽车呢?
[00:42.55]On you desk?在你的书桌上吗?
[00:45.39]In the toy box?在玩具箱里吗?
[00:48.27]Look! It's under the chair.看!它在椅子下呢.
[00:53.36]Let's practise 练一练
[00:55.88]Guess!Where is my plane?猜猜看!我的飞机在哪儿?
[01:00.62]In your bag?在你的书包里?
[01:04.10]In your desk?在你的书桌里?
[01:07.40]Let's learn学一学
[01:08.96]bus公交车 taxi出租车 bike自行车 jeep吉普车
[01:12.79]Look out!小心!
[01:14.75]Let's play 玩一玩
[01:17.27]Where is the plane?飞机在哪儿?
[01:20.35]It's on the desk.在书桌上.
[01:22.73]Let's say说一说
[01:24.23]U u umbrella雨伞 under下面
[01:28.60]V v vest背心     violin小提琴 
[01:32.68]W w window窗户   wind风
[01:36.76]Let's do 做一做
[01:42.63]Show me A B C D E.
[01:45.37]Point to F G H I J.
[01:48.24]Type J K L M N.
[01:50.75]Colour O P Q R S.
[01:53.67]Circle  S T U V W.
[01:56.40]I can say from A to W.

