
My Favourite Season



1. 表示季节的单词:

season 季节   Spring 春天   summer夏天  

autumn秋天(fall 秋天;秋天的)   winter冬天


Sunny 晴朗的   hot 炎热的   warm 温暖的   cold寒冷的

Cloudy多云的   cool 凉爽的   snow下雪;雪    rain雨  

rainy下雨的      Wind          windy 多风的


fly a kite放风筝     go on a picnic 去野餐     plant flowers 种花

go swimming 去游泳     eat ice cream 吃冰激凌

pick apples 摘苹果       make a snowman 堆雪人

play in the snow在雪地里玩耍  




Spring is colorful.

Fall is golden and the farmers are busy.

Spring is green with flowers and songs.

The fish are dancing in the river. The birds are singing in the sky.

My birthday is in spring.



My Favourite Season(一)

There are four beautiful seasons in a year. Spring is colorful with flowers and songs. Summer is red and always hot. Fall is golden and farmers are busy. Winter is white and the days are long. Four seasons are all nice. But my favourite season is spring. In spring, it is always warm and sunny. I can wear my shirt and jeans. I can fly kites and go hiking with my friends. I like spring best.


My Favourite Season(二)

Summer is good, but it’s too hot. Winter is beautiful, but it’s too cold. My favourite season is spring. Spring is colourful. It is always warm and sunny in spring. I can see green grass and many beautiful flowers. The fish are dancing in the river. The birds are singing in the sky. In spring, I can wear my shirt and jeans. I can fly kites and go hiking with my friends. My birthday is in spring, too. I love spring!


