
                 {  介词用法详解  }




·      1.on

( 1 ) 在------上面 The book is on the desk.

( 2 ) 在------(哪一天/星期)What do you do on Wednesday?

( 3 ) 在------(月、日)My birthday is on August 2nd.

·      2.in

1)在------里面 The pens are in the pencil-box.


His birthday is in October. He wor  ked here in 1992.

·      (3) 在------(地方) He works in Dongguan.

·      (4)在------之内 What are you going to do in 20 years?

·      (5) 在------(早上、下午、晚上) 

I do morning exercises in the morning every day. 

I usually play basketball in the afternoon. 

I often do my homework in the evening.

·      3.at


 I usually go to school at 8:00 am.

2)在中午 at noon 


·      1. under 在------底下 There is a ball under the bed.

·      2. near 在------附近 There is a book shop near our


·      3. in front of 在------前面 

A boy is standing in front of the house.

·      4. beside 在------旁边 A football is beside thedoor.

·      5. next to 紧挨着 There is a bus station next to No. 13 Middle School.

·      6. over 在------正上方 A bridge is over the river.

·      7. on the left 在------左边 The bookstore is on the left.

·      8. on the right 在------右边 

The hospital is on the right.

·      9. before 在……之前 Mike sits before me.

·      10. after 在------以后 He went home after school.

·      11. in the middle 在------中间 

The road is in the middle.

·      12. at

1)在------(小地方) I am at school today.

I was at  home yesterday.

2)看一看 Look at the blackboard.

·      13. behind 在------后面 

There is a broom behind the door.


·      1.For

1) 给。 This present is for you.

2) 为了。 Thank you for telling me the way to the zoo.

3)作为。 We have some chips and hamburgers for lunch.

·      2.To

1)到。 Take your sportshoes to the P.E class.

2)致。 Happy birthday to you. Give it to your friend.

·      3.from 来自 I am from China. = I come from China.

·      4.from --- to 从------------ Line up from shorter to taller. We have class from Monday to Friday.

·      5.of ------的 He is a student of Kama School.

·      6. by

1)在------之前。 We must be at home by 6 oclock.


People can go to the moon by spaceship.

I go to school by bus.

·      7.With

1) 用。 I write a letter with a pen.

2) 和------一起。 He went to Shenzhen with his parents.

·      8.between 在------------之间 

There is a football match between Class One and Class Three.

·      9. into 到------里。 Sharks can dive into the deep cold water.

·      10. like

1)像------ The twins are like their father.

2)长相------怎样? Whats he like?

·      11. about

1)大约;关于 Its about 6:00 now.

2------怎么样? What about---? How about--? 



1. the first day ________ school       2. _______the school playground

3. _________ classes                          4. _________ Wednesday

5. __________ a farm                         6.pull _________ carrots

7.a lot _______ fruit trees                8. live _________ a town

9. ________ the weekends               10. _________ the sitting room 

11.________ the 4th ______ November       12. look _______ them

13. ________ New Year                     14. _________ Christmas Day     

15.dress _______ _________ costumes


( )1.___ the afternoon of May, we visited the old man.

A. On B. At C. In

( )2.Many people work ___ the day and sleep ___ night.

A. on ; at B. in ; in C. in ; at

( )3.He speaks Japanese best ____ the boy students.

A. between B. with C. among

( )4.A wolf ___ a sheep skin is our dangerous enemy.

A. with B. in C. on

( )5.Joan hopes to come back ___ three days.

A. after B. for C. in

( )6.They sent the letter to me ___ mistake.

A. by B. for C. with

( )7.He left home ___ a cold winter evening.

A. at B. on C. in

( )8.Shanghai is ____ the east of China.

A. in B. on C. to

( )9.____ my father’s help, I have finished my composition.

A. Under B. On C. with

( )10.He’s very strict ____ himself and hes very strict ___ his work.

A. with ; in B. in ; with C. with ; with



1.of      2.in       3. in   4.on      5.on      6.up     7.of

8.in      9.at      10.in   11.on,of     12.at     13.on

14.on  15.up,in




