
Unit 1 Don't walk!


bag(书包) hat(帽子) cat(猫) fan(扇子,迷) pat(轻拍) cake(蛋糕) snake(蛇) cage(笼) gate(门) name(名字) lake(湖)


Here's your camera.给你的照相机。

Thank you.谢谢你。

Don't touch.不要碰。

No smoking /walk /parking/food.禁止吸烟/通行/停车/饮食。

Stand up, sit down.起立,坐下。

Can I read books?我可以读书吗?

Sure, you can.当然,你可以。

don't=do not

Look left. Look right.向左看。向右看。

Look at the traffic light.看看交通指示灯(红绿灯)。

Don't walk. Don't run.不要走不要跑。

Wait for the green light.等到绿灯。

Unit 2 How much?


thirty (三十)forty(四十) fifty (五十)sixty(六十) seventy(七十) eighty (八十)ninety 九十)one hundred(一百) elephant(大象) pen (钢笔)peach(桃子) tree (树)bean(豆) key(钥匙)egg(鸡蛋) melon(柠檬) desk(桌子) leg(腿) net(净) bee(蜜蜂) see(看见) three(三) flee (逃走,消失)cheese(芝士)  fourteen (十四)pencil(铅笔)


What's this?这是什么?

It's a toy train.它是一辆玩具火车。

How much is the train, please?请问这个火车多少钱?

It's 50 yuan.50元。

How much are they altogether?它们一共多少钱?

That's 30 yuan in total.总共30元。

Here's your change.给你的零钱。

Can I help you?我有什么可以帮助你的吗?

I want a hamburger,and a glass of juice, please.我想要一个汉堡包和一杯果汁。

Unit 3 Uncle Booky's study


glasses(眼镜) computer(电脑) watch(看) photo(照片) radio(录音机) CDCD光盘) TV(电视) mobile phone(移动电话) insect(昆虫) fish(鱼) ice cream (冰激凌)kite(风筝) nine(九) write(写) crocodile (鳄鱼)listen(听) bit(点) hit(打) bike(自行车) hide(隐藏)bite(咬)


Annt Booky is sleeping!Booky阿姨在睡觉。

Be quiet.安静。

Look at my new study.看看我新学的。

What a mess!糟糕透了。

Don't worry.不要着急。

We can help.我们可以帮忙。

Whose computer is this?这是谁的电脑。

It's Aunt Booky's. Booky阿姨的。

Are these Uncle Booky's glasses?这是Booky阿姨的眼镜吗?

Yes, they are.是的,他们是。

Sorry, I don't know.对不起,我不知道。

Take out your pens and books, please.请拿出你的钢笔和书。

Unit 4 Bobby's house


cooking(做饭) writing (写)sleeping(睡觉) drinking(喝) eating(吃) washing(洗) playing (玩儿)painting(涂) dog(狗) sock(袜子) frog(青蛙) lock(锁) coat(大衣) boat(小船) goat(山羊) potato(土豆)


Knock on the door, Ken.敲门,肯。

Welcome! Come in, please.欢迎!请进。

This is the living room.这是客厅。

That's the bathroom.那是浴室。

My sister is sleeping.我姐姐在睡觉。

What is he doing?他在干什么?

He's fishing!他在钓鱼!

We're watching TV in the living room.我们正在客厅看电视。

Unit 5 Our school


Music (音乐)Math(数学) Art(美术) Chinese(语文) Science(科学) English(英语) P.E.(体育) umbrella(雨伞) nut(坚果)  butterfly (蝴蝶)puppet(木偶) flute(长笛) blue(蓝色的) June(六月)rule(规则)glue(胶水)library(图书馆)favorite(最喜欢的)


Let's go to school.我们去上学吧。

We have Math and English today.我们今天有数学和英语课。

What subjects do you like?你喜欢哪个学科?

I like English and Art.我喜欢英语和艺术。

Whose football is this?这是谁的足球?

It's their football.是他们的足球。

What is your favorite subject?你最喜欢哪个学科?

My favorite subject is Music.我最喜欢音乐。

Unit 6 Review


feet(脚) bean(豆子) pen(钢笔) three(三) bike(自行车) kite(风筝) five(五) six(六) orange(橘子) boat (船)frog(青蛙) lock (锁)gate (门) snake(蛇) carrot(胡萝卜) apple(苹果) bag(书包) tomato(西红柿) tree(树)  ten(十)  elephant(大象)  insect(昆虫) fish (鱼) sock(袜子) goat(山羊)  radio (录音机)nut(坚果) umbrella (雨伞)blue (蓝色)June(六月)


Welcome to our Christmas party.欢迎来到圣诞聚会。

Merry Christmas!圣诞节快乐!

Whose gifts are these?这是谁的礼物?

They are not yours.他们不是你的。

They are our parents.他们是给父母的。

How many gifts are there?有多少礼物?

Don't open them!不要打开他们!

Happy New Year.新年快乐。

How much are the pencils?这些铅笔多少钱?

The children are singing and dancing!孩子们在唱歌跳舞!

