小学英语剑桥少儿一年级上lesson6 Has he got a teddy bear?


[00:00.00]Unit 6  Has he got a  teddy bear?
[00:14.52]1.Let's talk.
[00:17.14]Has he got a teddy bear?No,he hasn't.
[00:22.33]But he's got a ball. Has he got a coconut? No,he hasn't.
[00:27.98]But he's got an ice cream,five bananas and two apples.
[00:32.16]Has he got our food? No,he hasn't.
[00:36.00]Has she got a mouse? No,she hasn't.
[00:39.26]But she's got a fish.Have they got an umbrella?
[00:43.31]No,they haven't. Has she got any sheep? No,she hasn't.
[00:48.48]But she's got a horse.
[00:50.57]3.Read and act.
[00:57.03]Has your father got a computer?No,he hasn't.
[01:01.02]Has he got a radio?Yes,he has.
[01:04.16]Has your father got a computer?Yes,he has.
[01:07.94]Has your Mum got a computer,too?No,she hasn't.
[01:08.00]She's got a radio.
[01:09.75]4.Listen and tick.
[01:16.02]Has your friend Mary got a bike?
[01:19.18]No,she hasn't. Tom has got a bike.
[01:23.83]Mary has got a book in her hand.
[01:26.78]Has your sister Lucy got a long hair?
[01:31.06]Long hair?No,Lily has got a long hair.
[01:35.50]Lucy has got a short hair.
[01:38.27]Have you got a pencil?No,I haven't got any pencil.
[01:45.17]I've only got a pen.
[01:47.31]Maybe in future I've got a pencil.Thank you.
[01:54.70]4.Let's chant.
[01:58.39]I have,you have, we have,they have books,pencils,
[02:10.87]pens and rulers. She has,he has,it has,Bill has apples,
[02:18.92]lemons,mangoes and oranges.I have,you have,
[02:23.67]we have,they have books,pencils,pens and rulers.
[02:30.57]She has,he has,it has, Bill has apples,
[02:36.18]lemons,mangoes and oranges.
[02:40.18]5.Pronounce it.
[02:45.95]bus cup cupboard duck jump number run sun

