小学英语剑桥少儿三年级上lesson 6 We can see with our eyes

[00:00.00]Unit 6
[00:12.93]We can see with our eyes.
[00:16.25]Part 1
[00:20.24]Listen,read,match and write.
[00:57.39]toy cat
[01:03.58]Part 3
[01:07.84]Practise the dialogue in pairs.
[01:12.65]1.Good evening,madam.Here's the menu.
[01:18.24]2.Thank you.Hmm.Is this soup sweet?I don't like sweet food.
[01:26.62]3.Oh,no.It's not sweet.
[01:30.72]4.OK.Is it spicy? Ican't eat hot food.
[01:37.23]5.No,madam.It's very tasty!
[01:41.22]6.Well,all right.By the way,I don't like salty food either.
[01:48.33]7.OK.I think you'll like this soup.
[01:52.43]8.Very good!I'll take it.
[01:56.74]Part 5
[01:59.82]Let's read
[02:02.62]Billy lived on a quiet street in a big city.
[02:09.91]His mother sometimes took him to the park to play.
[02:15.92]But when she was busy,he played in the street.
[02:21.71]One evening,Billy's father gave him a beautiful new ball,
[02:28.22]and the next morning Billy went out into the street to play with it.
[02:34.12]He played happily for a few minutes,but then a big dog came along.
[02:41.12]When the dog saw the ball,he wanted to play with it too.
[02:46.71]Billy picked up the ball and held it above his head.
[02:51.62]He didn't want the big dog to take it away,so he ran away with it.
[02:57.42]But the dog jumped and knocked him over.
[03:02.13]Billy's mother came out of the house and ran to him at once.
[03:07.22]Did he bite you?
[03:11.32]No.He didn't bite me but he licked me.
[03:17.22]Part 7
[03:20.62]Let's chant.
[03:23.73]This is a song of colours.You see them all around.There's red for a flag.
[03:35.43]There's green for a tree,yellow for a sun-flower,blue for the sea.
[03:42.72]This is a song of colours.You see them all around.There's red for a flag.
[03:49.83]There's green for a tree,yellow for a sun-flower,blue for the sea.
[04:00.22]Part 1
[04:03.80]Listen and colour.
[04:07.69]Can you see a cat?
[04:15.79]Colour it black,please.
[04:19.97]Is there a train under the cat?
[04:24.65]Yes,there is.
[04:27.83]Please colour it green.
[04:31.62]OK.What about the plane?
[04:37.21]Should I colour it green,too?
[04:41.00]No,you should colour it yellow.
[04:45.39]All right.
[04:48.78]Colour the plane yellow.
[04:52.60]Have you found a clock?
[04:56.49]No,where is it?
[04:59.68]It's under the plane.
[05:02.76]Yes.I can see it now.
[05:06.65]Should I colour it too?
[05:09.63]Yes.Colour it purple and colour the boat blue.
[05:15.43]Boat?Where's the boat?
[05:19.61]It's under the plane,too,next to the clock.
[05:23.92]I see.Thank you.
[05:27.63]What about some other animals?
[05:31.21]You can colour the goat black,the rooster yellow and the mouse green.
[05:37.40]Part 4
[05:41.79]Listen,read and guess the meaning.
[05:47.09]Our senses tell us what is going on in the world around us.
[05:54.19]Even when we are asleep,our senses pick up sensations,
[06:00.31]some from inside the body,some from outside.
[06:05.61]Then they feed them to the brain through the nerves,
[06:10.49]which are like the body's telephone wires.
[06:14.91]We have five senses to tell us what is going on in the outside world
[06:20.40]sight from our eyes,hearing from our ears,smell from our noses,
[06:27.71]taste from our tongues and touch from most of our skin.

