小学英语沪教版(12版三起点)五年级下module 1 unit 1


[00:01.00]Unit 1 Tidy up!第一单元 整理好!
[00:03.97]Are they yours?它们是你的吗?
[00:05.98]No, they aren't.不,它们不是我的。
[00:08.59]Listen and say听录音,练习对话
[00:11.42]1 Look at your bedroom.1 看看你的卧室。
[00:15.56]What a mess! Let's tidy it up.真是一团糟!让我们把它整理好吧。
[00:20.29]Sure, Sally.当然好了,萨利。
[00:22.53]Whose socks are those? 那些是谁的短袜?
[00:24.95]Are they yours, Peter?它们是你的吗,彼得?
[00:27.28]No, they aren't. They're Paul's.不,它们不是我的。它们是保罗的。
[00:31.31]Can you put them on his bed?你能把它们放到他床上吗?
[00:35.86]2 Whose cap is this?2 这是谁的帽子?
[00:39.76]It's mine.它是我的。
[00:41.94]There's a T-shirt.这有一件T恤,
[00:43.70]Is this yours too, Peter?这也是你的吗,彼得?
[00:46.60]No. It's Paul's.不是。它是保罗的。
[00:49.75]Can you put it on his bed?你能把它放到他床上吗?
[00:54.56]3 The room is now clean and tidy.3 现在这个房间干净又整洁。
[00:59.33]Thank you for your help, Sally.谢谢你的帮助,萨利。
[01:01.93]You're welcome, Peter.不客气,彼得。
[01:05.20]Look and learn看图学习单词
[01:18.83]Read a story故事阅读
[01:21.24]A magic stone一块神奇的石头
[01:24.14]Jimmy sees a small box on the table.吉米看见桌子上放着一个小盒子。
[01:28.77]It is full of nails.盒子里装满了钉子。
[01:31.31]"Is it yours, Dad?" asks Jimmy.“这是你的吗,爸爸?”吉米问道。
[01:34.95]"Yes, it's mine," says his father.“是的,它是我的。”他爸爸回答道。
[01:38.50]2 Jimmy drops the box.2 吉米把盒子打翻了。
[01:42.86]All the nails fall on the floor.所有的钉子都掉落到地板上了。
[01:45.81]What a mess!真是一团糟!
[01:48.86]3 Jimmy's father gives him a black stone.3 吉米的爸爸给了他一块黑石头。
[01:54.21]"This stone can help you, Jimmy. Try it," he says.并说“这块石头能帮你,吉米。试试它。”
[01:59.19]4 Jimmy puts the stone near the nails.4 吉米把这块石头放在钉子的旁边。
[02:03.93]The nails all stick to it.这些钉子都粘在了石头上。
[02:07.22]In a few seconds, the floor is clean again.几秒钟的功夫,地板又变干净了。
[02:10.93]"Wow, it's a magic stone, Dad,"
[02:14.99]says Jimmy happily.吉米高兴地说:“哇,这真是一块神奇的石头,爸爸。”
[02:17.17]Sing a song唱首歌
[02:19.69]Whose box is this?这是谁的盒子?
[02:28.86]Whose box is this?
[02:32.04]Is this yours? Is this his?
[02:34.99]Whose box is this?
[02:37.91]It's mine, not his.
[02:46.80]Whose socks are these? Are these hers?
[02:51.27]Are these his? Whose socks are these?
[02:55.83]They're hers, not his.
[03:04.66]Whose box is this?
[03:07.78]Is this yours? Is this his?
[03:10.68]Whose box is this?
[03:13.76]It's mine, not his.
[03:22.50]Whose socks are these?
[03:25.55]Are these hers? Are these his?
[03:28.49]Whose socks are these?
[03:31.42]They're hers, not his.
[03:39.48]Learn the sounds学习发音
[03:42.08]ar car汽车
[03:51.95]ue blue蓝色
[04:00.97]oo school学校
[04:14.77]Mark has a little car.
[04:17.18]The car is yellow and blue.
[04:19.72]He often drives it in the park On sunny afternoons.
[04:24.54]But he never drives his car When he goes to school.
[04:31.94]Mark has a little car. The car is yellow and blue.
[04:36.58]He often drives it in the park On sunny afternoons.
[04:41.50]But he never drives his car When he goes to school.





