小学英语沪教版(12版三起点)三年级上module 3 unit 7


[00:02.00]Module 3 Places and activities 模块3 地方和活动
[00:05.61]Unit 7 In the classroom 第7单元 在教室里
[00:09.82]Close the door, please. 请关上门。
[00:13.94]Listen and say 听一听并说一说
[00:16.79]1. Close the door, please. 请关上门。
[00:22.73]Yes, Miss Fang. 是的,方小姐。
[00:25.71]2. Look at the blackboard, please. 请看黑板。
[00:37.81]3. Please clean the blackboard, Kitty. 凯蒂,请把黑板擦干。
[00:44.85]OK 好的。
[00:47.38]4. Open the door, please. 请打开门。
[00:57.29]Yes, Miss Fang. 是的,方小姐。
[01:01.52]Thank you, Peter. 谢谢你,彼得。
[01:04.18]Look and learn 看一看并学习
[01:06.80]blackboard 黑板
[01:10.26]door 门
[01:13.04]window 窗户
[01:16.88]Sing a song 歌唱。
[01:19.30]In the classroom 在教室里。
[01:26.23]Clean the blackboard, Clean the blackboard.
[01:30.48]Close the door, close the door.
[01:34.18]Open the window, Open the window.
[01:38.44]Very good, Very good.
[01:46.28]Clean the blackboard, Clean the blackboard.
[01:50.44]Close the door, close the door.
[01:54.28]Open the window, Open the window.
[01:58.45]Very good, Very good.
[02:04.46]Say and act 说一说并表演
[02:08.28]1. Come in, please. 请进。
[02:14.50]2. Close the door. 关门。
[02:18.30]3. You're late, Kitty. 凯特,你迟到了。
[02:24.17]I'm sorry, Miss Fang. 对不起,方小姐。
[02:27.86]4. Look at the blackboard, please. 请看黑板。
[02:33.98]Learn the letters 学习单词
[02:36.35]Mm mouth 嘴巴
[02:41.40]Nn nose 鼻子
[02:51.18]M for mouth, N for nose.
[02:54.76]Look at the lion's mouth and nose!
[03:00.60]M for mouth, N for nose.
[03:04.48]Look at the lion's mouth and nose!





